(A)   Any healthy dog or cat apprehended or impounded may be redeemed by the owner or other persons as authorized in § 90.06 within five days of such apprehension, upon showing that the dog has a current registration tag and the dog or cat has current rabies vaccination tag, and the payment of the following fees:
      (1)   If the dog or cat has been apprehended by an agent of the county, the sum of fee set forth annually by the Department of Animal Services; and
      (2)   A reasonable fee for room and board for each day or fraction thereof, during which the dog or cat was impounded.
      (3)   After five days, the dog or cat may be destroyed or possession given to the Department of Animal Services.
      (4)   Divisions (A)(1) through (3) of this section shall apply to any animal impounded under this chapter.
   (B)   Any animal impounded, for any reason, which appears to any duly licensed veterinarian to have any infectious or contagious disease, other than rabies, may be destroyed forthwith.
   (C)   Any person bitten by an animal must report the incident to the County Health Department.
   (D)   Any dog or cat apprehended and impounded for having bitten a person, being suspected of having bitten a person, or appearing to have rabies, shall be assessed by the Department of Animal Services to determine whether the bite constitutes the dog being dangerous or potentially dangerous. If so assessed the provisions of this chapter related to those dogs shall supersede this provision. Otherwise, the dog or cat shall be kept under observation at the Department of Animal Services for a minimum of ten days unless such dog or cat shall sooner die. At the expiration of said ten-day period, the animal may be redeemed by the owner or other person as provided in § 90.06, upon showing that the dog has a current registration tag and the animal has a rabies vaccination tag and by payment of the fees as set forth in division (A) hereinabove; provided, however, home quarantine of an owned animal may be allowed by the County Health Department.
(Ord. 2008-BCC-06, passed 2-18-08)