Any authorized agent of the county is given authority to:
   (A)   Kill any dangerous, or potentially dangerous dog found at large within the unincorporated area of the county which cannot be safely captured and impounded by ordinary means; except that every reasonable effort shall be made to avoid killing an animal which has bitten or is suspected of having bitten a person or which appears to have rabies. If the killing of the animal cannot reasonably be avoided, the said authorized agent shall attempt to kill the animal in such a manner so as to preserve the head thereof intact.
   (B)   Enter upon the land in the unincorporated area of the county when in pursuit of any animal which the said agent has reasonable cause to believe is in violation of this chapter, except that such agent is not authorized to enter any building without consent of the occupant.
   (C)   Issue citations for any alleged violation of this chapter even if not personally observed by the agent.
   (D)   Do all things necessary to effectuate the enforcement of this chapter.
(Ord. 2008-BCC-06, passed 2-18-08)