As used in this chapter unless the context otherwise indicates:
   ANIMAL. Any live, non-human vertebrate creature, domestic or wild.
   ANIMAL SHELTER. Any facility operated by Department of Animal Services or a municipal agency, or its authorized agents, for the purpose of impounding or caring for animals held under the authority of this chapter or state law.
   AT LARGE. Elsewhere than on the owner’s premises, and:
      (1)   Not restrained by a leash; or
      (2)   Not under the immediate and complete control of a person capable of controlling such animal.
   AUTHORIZED AGENT. Law enforcement officer or authorized employees of the Department of Animal Services.
   CAT. All domestic members of the feline family of animals.
   DANGEROUS DOG. Any dog that according to the records of the Department of Animal Services:
      (1)   Has aggressively bitten, attacked, or endangered or has inflicted severe injury or death on a human being on public or private property; or
      (2)   Has been used primarily or in part for the purpose of dog fighting or is a dog trained for dog fighting;
      (3)   Has been listed as a potentially dangerous dog by the Department of Animal Services, and exhibits behavior warranting listing as a dangerous dog.
   DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SERVICES. The animal care and control department of the Kokomo Humane Society.
   DOG. All domestic members of the canine family of animals
   HARBOR. The actions of any person who permits any animal to habitually remain or lodge or to be fed within his or her home, store, enclosure, yard, or place of business, or any premises on which such person resides or controls. An animal shall be presumed harbored if it is fed or sheltered for three days.
   HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Howard County Health Department.
   KENNEL. A facility operated principally for the purpose of boarding, housing or breeding dogs or cats.
   LESS SEVERE INJURY. Any injury caused that results in a minor puncture, piercing or breaking of the skin made with teeth, fangs or claws of any animal that does not require extensive medical treatment.
   OWNER. Any person or persons owning or having the care, custody, or control of any animal.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, association, partnership, or corporation.
   POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG. Any of the following:
      (1)   Any dog which, when unprovoked, engages in any behavior that requires a defensive action by any person to prevent bodily injury when the person and the dog are off the property of the dog;
      (2)   Any dog which, when unprovoked, bites a person causing a less severe injury as defined;
      (3)   Any dog which, when unprovoked, has killed, seriously bitten, inflicted injury or otherwise caused injury attacking a domestic animal off the property of the owner or keeper of the dog;
      (4)   Chases or menaces a person;
      (5)   Runs at large.
   PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any animal or animals that:
      (1)   Attack passers-by or passing vehicles.
      (2)   Damage public or private property.
      (3)   Are not confined while in estrus (“heat”).
      (4)   Bark, whine, or howl in an excessive or continuous fashion, unreasonable under the circumstances, as to violate the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.
      (5)   Do not have a permanent means of identification as provided for in this chapter.
      (6)   It shall also be a public nuisance to harbor more than four dogs or cats over the age of four months, unless classified as a kennel.
   RESTRAINT. The securing of an animal by leash or confining it within the real property limits by its owner.
   SECURE ENCLOSURE. Means that the dog is securely and humanely confined on the owner’s property within a house, building, locked pen or other enclosure that is designed to prevent the potentially dangerous dog from escaping over, under or through the enclosure (known as the “primary enclosure”). If the dog is maintained outside, a portion of the owner’s property must be fenced with a secured perimeter fence of sufficient height and strength to prevent entry by the public and to prevent the dog’s escape from the owner’s property.
   STRAY. Any animal that does not appear, upon reasonable inquiry, to have an owner.
   UNINCORPORATED AREA OF HOWARD COUNTY. All areas of the county not located in the City of Kokomo and the towns of Russiaville and Greentown.
   WILD ANIMALS. Any non-domesticated animal, with the exception of small non-poisonous aquatic or amphibious animals and small caged birds.
(Ord. 2008-BCC-06, passed 2-18-08; Am. Ord. 2011-BCCO-23, passed 8-15-11)