(A)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMERCIAL EXIT. Any vehicular exit from any automobile service station, shopping center, store, medical or professional center, or other similar public place.
   CRITICAL VISIBILITY ZONE. The area within which the presence of obstructions to vision such as trees, vegetation and signs could prevent the driver of a motor vehicle which is stopped behind the stop line of any road, highway or commercial exit at its intersection with any other road or highway from seeing any other vehicle which is approaching on the intersecting road or highway and is within 200 feet of the intersection.
   SIGN. Any temporary or permanent structure, banner, pennant or string of pennants used for advertising or decorative purposes.
   STOP LINE. The actual obedience line if there be one. If there is none, one shall be assumed to exist four feet before the nearest edge of the intersecting road or highway.
   TREE. A large, woody perennial plant having a clearly recognizable trunk.
   VEGETATION. Any bush, hedge, flowering or ornamental plant, weed growth, low-growing evergreen, standing agricultural field crops, or other form of vegetation.
(`83 Code, § 93.01)
   (B)   Regulation of signs. It shall be unlawful for any person to place or cause to be placed in any critical visibility zone within the county any sign of which any part thereof is higher than 36 inches above grade level, unless the lowest portion of the sign exclusive of a supporting structure is no wider than 12 inches in its greatest dimension and is at least eight feet above grade level.
(`83 Code, § 93.02)
   (C)   Regulation of trees and vegetation.
      (1)   It shall be unlawful for any person owning or controlling property within the county to cause or permit any tree within any critical visibility zone to remain untrimmed below a height of eight feet above the ground, or to permit any shrubbery within any critical visibility zone to grow to a height greater than 36 inches above ground.
      (2)   It shall be unlawful for any person owning or controlling property within the county to permit the foliage of any tree or vegetation growing on the property or obscure any driver’s view of any lawfully-placed stop sign or traffic-control signal or sign during any part of the last 200 feet of his or her approach to the sign or traffic-control device.
(`83 Code, § 93.03)
   (D)   Notice. Any person violating any provision of this section shall, upon receipt of official notification from the Traffic Commission that a violation has taken place, correct the cause of the violation within 14 days from the date of notification or be subject to the penalties provided in § 10.99.
(`83 Code, § 93.04) (Ord. passed 10-17-77) Penalty, see 10.99