(A)   Any county department ("Department”) that has a proposed grant will present the grant proposal to the Board for approval at a regularly scheduled meeting. The grant application must be completed and signed by the office holder or department head, or the appropriate person in charge if the application is submitted by an organization or individual other than a county department.
   (B)   The Department will complete and remit the grant application and all other required information to the grantor agency for approval. Once grant approval has been obtained from the grantor agency, the grant approval documentation must be delivered to the Auditor and be placed on the County Commissioners' agenda no less than seven calendar days prior to the Commissioners' meeting. If the grant requires a budget it must also be presented along with the grant application.
   (C)   The Board will review and consider the grant application and will approve or deny the application for all grants for personal services, supplies, other services and charges, and capital outlay. The grant application must be approved and signed by the Board, and the application shall be in the form approved by the Board, prior to submission to the grantor agency.
   (D)   The Auditor will establish a separate fund and file for each grant and each grant file shall include a grant summary in a form provided by the Auditor.
   (E)   The Department will provide the Auditor's office with the following: grant application, grant award letter, grant agreement, budget, claim vouchers with supporting invoices, requests for advances, and reports with supporting documentation. The Auditor will place these documents in the grant file.
   (F)   The Department will also maintain its own grant file to include all grant documents that have been submitted to the Auditor.
   (G)   The Department must complete a grant monies requested form each time the county is to receive grant funding, with claims vouchers and requests for advances attached to the form.
   (H)   It is the responsibility of the Department to comply with the grantor's reporting requirements. Final reports, with supporting documentation, will be provided to the Auditor. Reports detailing receipts, disbursements and balances of grant funds will be provided to the Department monthly.
   (I)   The bookkeeper will generate monthly reports from the county financial system and compare reports to information in the grant files. The bookkeeper will enter the information into Gateway from information obtained from the financial records and grant files.
   (J)   The Auditor will review and check the accuracy of the grant information by comparing it to the supporting documentation used to input the information before submission.
   (K)   The Auditor will send the Gateway report to the Department for review. The Department will verify the information and will include documentation of the review, and will verify all information and make any corrections that are necessary. The Auditor will review any differences noted by the Department before changes are made to the Gateway information.
(Res. 2018 BCCR-23, passed 11-5-18)