(a)   The owner of any dog shall exercise reasonable care to protect humans or other animals or property from injury or damage caused by the behavior of such dog.
   (b)   The owner of a dog shall exercise reasonable care to prevent such dog, while unattended, from leaving the premises of such owner by:
      (1)   Confinement in a secure enclosure, fence or pen from which the dog cannot dig, climb, jump or escape and which is locked when the dog remains unattended;
      (2)   Restraint by chain, cable and trolley, or other tether of sufficient strength to prevent escape; or
      (3)   Leash and physical control of a person capable of preventing such dog from escaping.
   (c)   The owner of a dog shall exercise reasonable care to maintain such dog off the premises of such owner by:
      (1)   Confinement in a vehicle from which the dog cannot climb, jump or escape; or
      (2)   Leash and physical control of a person capable of preventing such dog from escaping.
   (d)   It is a violation of this chapter for an owner or caregiver not to exercise reasonable care in restraining dogs as specified in this section. Any dog found to be without restraint as described herein shall be considered a dog running at large. A dog running at large shall not include a farm dog commonly used for herding livestock while riding on a farm pickup or truck being operated by the owner, his or her employee or agent.
(Ord. 636, passed 12-21-2009)