For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   HOST. The person who owns or is in possession of the property where the party, gathering or event takes place, or the person in charge of the premises, or the person who organized the event. If the HOST is a minor, then the parents or guardians of that minor will be jointly and severally liable for the fee incurred for police services.
   PARTY, GATHERING or EVENT. An event involving a group of persons who have assembled or are assembling for a social occasion or for a social activity.
   POLICE SERVICES FEE. The cost to the city of any special security assignment, including, but not limited to, salaries of police officers while responding to or remaining at the party, gathering or event; the pro rata cost of equipment; the cost of repairing city equipment and property; the cost of any medical treatment of injured police officers; and the cost of reasonable attorney’s fees.
   SPECIAL SECURITY ASSIGNMENT. The assignment of police officers, services and equipment during a second or subsequent response to the party, gathering or event after the delivery of a written notice to the host that a fee may be imposed for costs incurred by the city for any subsequent police response.