(A)   Application.
      (1)   Application for a water service connection, also referred to as a tap application, shall be made to the Building Official on a form provided by the city.
      (2)   A site plan shall accompany the application, indicating the proposed location of the connection to the water main.
      (3)   An “as-built” map shall be provided to the Building Official indicating the exact location and depth of the actual connection, such as-built shall be attached to the application as part of the permanent record of installation.
   (B)   Connection fees.
      (1)   Said application must be made at least five working days before the work is commenced. A permit shall be issued after the application has been approved by the City Building Official or Public Works Engineer and the payment of the water tap connection fee, which is set by Council and subject to change.
      (2)   Such fees are to be paid at the time of application. For users out of the city, the water tap connection fees shall be two times the fees specified.
   (C)   Information verification.
      (1)   Prior to the approval of any application, the city shall verify that any water main, water service line, water meters or apparatuses have been installed or will be installed in accordance with this chapter. In the event there is any change in the information required in division (A)(1) above, the application will be deemed void and the owner shall submit a new or revised application for permit to the city for approval.
      (2)   In the event the subject property is not serviced by the municipal water system and legal connection cannot be made to service the property, the application shall be denied unless provisions for a water main extension are included in the application.
(Prior Code, § 26-A-02) (Ord. 964, passed 2- -2000; Ord. 1063, passed 6- -2008; Ord. 1130, passed 5- -2013; Ord. 1196, passed 12-3-2018; Ord. 1249, passed 11-6-2023)