For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AFTER HOURS. Any time outside of the regular work day of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
   AS-BUILT MAP. A map that indicates the actual location, depth, size and type of a utility or service installed below grade, to include location indicators such as names, address, legal description, streets and other permanent landmarks to assist in the mapping of said utilities or services for the purpose of locating those utilities or services in the future.
   AUTHORIZED PERSON. Any current city utility worker and/or a licensed plumber.
   CITY or MUNICIPALITY. The City of Hot Springs, South Dakota and the area within the territorial limits of the City of Hot Springs, South Dakota.
   COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. The city’s Comprehensive Development Plan.
   CONSTRUCTION WATER. Water from the municipal water system that is used for purposes incidental to the construction process where municipal sewer system is not utilized. CONSTRUCTION WATER accounts are billed for water use only.
   COPPER METER SETTER. The apparatus that is also known as the meter “yoke” that is utilized for the placement and connection of the water meter.
   MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEM. All aspects of the water system including, wells and spring boxes, pumps and pumping stations, treatment, control systems, storage facilities and distribution infrastructure.
   PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEER. The official whose duties shall include the supervision of all planning, construction, maintenance and repair of public works of the city.
   READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION. Any location that does not require special tools, demolition or destruction of materials to access and that will allow enough space for a utility worker to gain access and functionally work a minimum of three feet vertical clearance.
   WATER DEPARTMENT. The department responsible for all aspects of the water collection and distribution system including, treatment, storage, repair and service of such system. The term shall include administration, clerical and support staff when appropriate.
   WATER DEPARTMENT SUPERINTENDENT. The city employee or contract employee in direct responsible charge for the fundamental and day to day operations of the collection, treatment, storage and distribution system of the municipal water service.
   WATER MAIN. The primary water distribution lines lying within the city rights-of-way and utility easements for the purpose of providing water service.
   WATER SERVICE CONNECTION PERMIT. Also known as TAP APPLICATION, shall mean the application form filled out by the water service installer as a means of requesting water service to a building or premises by means of tapping into the city water main.
   WATER SERVICE LINE. The line and apparatus from the city water main to the building or premises being served.
(Prior Code, § 26-A-01) (Ord. 1130, passed 5- -2013; Ord. 1196, passed 12-3-2018)