(A)   Municipal solid waste collection.
      (1)   Municipal solid waste (MSW) shall be collected from single-family residential patrons within the corporate limits of the city. Such collection shall be done either by city employees or by a solid waste collector under contract with the city. The frequency of such collection shall be as determined by the City Council.
      (2)   All cost associated with the collection and disposal of MSW shall be paid by the collector of MSW.
      (3)   Participation in such collection is mandatory except in those locations where the municipal solid waste collection truck cannot adequately provide service to the dwelling.
      (4)   All municipal solid waste will be deposited in waste material containers as provided in division (B) below.
      (5)   It shall be unlawful for any person or establishment to allow municipal solid waste or refuse to accumulate and collect in the city beyond the period of one week.
   (B)   Municipal solid waste containers, use of.
      (1)   All single-family residential patrons within the city shall dispose of their municipal solid waste only in special containers provided by the city or its contractor.
      (2)   Municipal solid waste containers shall be constructed and maintained in such a manner as to prevent the blowing or accidental discharge of garbage or trash.
      (3)   No person or company shall place any hazardous, infectious or special waste into any container for the collection by the city or its contractor.
      (4)   No person shall deposit, throw or place any municipal solid waste in or upon any street, alley, park or other public place. No person shall place any municipal solid waste upon any private property, whether owned or occupied by such person or not, unless such shall be deposited in a municipal solid waste container.
   (C)   Collection of garbage and refuse.
      (1)   The collection of municipal solid waste from single-family residents shall be by the city, or by contract with the city, to perform such services.
      (2)   All residential municipal solid waste collected within the city, with the exception of recyclable materials, shall be delivered to the Custer/Fall River Regional Waste Facility.
(Prior Code, § 10-A-02) (Ord. 1098, passed 1-11-2011) Penalty, see § 10.99