For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
ALLEY. A minor public way having a narrow right-of-way and affording a secondary means of access to abutting properties.
AUDITOR. The Finance Officer of Hot Springs, South Dakota.
BOND. Security consisting of a cash deposit, surety bond, personal guarantee, collateral, property or instrument of credit in an amount and form satisfactory to and approved by the City Council whenever a bond is required by these regulations.
CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. The instrument issued by the Building Inspector when a building has been inspected and found to meet adopted codes and ordinances relating to construction. Such certificate authorizes occupancy of said building.
COMPREHENSIVE/DEVELOPMENT PLAN. Any legally adopted part or element of the comprehensive/development plan of the city. This may include, but is not limited to, zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, community facilities plan, major street plan, improvements program and land use plan.
CUL-DE-SAC. A local street with only one outlet and having an appropriate turn-a-round at its terminus for the safe and convenient reversal of traffic.
EASEMENT. A right to land generally established in a real estate deed or on a recorded plat to permit the use of land by the public, a corporation or particular persons for specified uses.
(1) The duly designated engineer acting in behalf of the governing body.
(2) The Public Works Engineer.
FINAL PLAT. A plat of a tract of land which meets the requirements of these regulations and is in form for recording in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county.
FUELBREAK. A strategically located strip or block of land varying in width, on which some vegetation has been modified to reduce the rate of fire spread to provide a safe place for firefighters to work and where fires may be more readily controlled. A FUELBREAK usually provides all wheel drive access and an advantageous area for quickly and safely constructing and manning a fire line.
GOVERNING BODY. The duly elected officials of a corporate political entity to whom authority is given to make, adopt and amend subdivision regulations.
HAMMERHEAD TURN-A-ROUND. A “Tee” at a driveway, road or street intersection that is at least 20 feet wide and where each leg is at least 30 feet long; an area sufficient to provide a turn-a-round for emergency response vehicles.
HEALTH DEPARTMENT. South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources. (SD-DENR)
LANES. Residential streets servicing low-density residential districts that typically receive localized low-traffic patterns.
LOT. A platted parcel of land intended to transfer ownership or for building development.
LOW DENSITY. Subdivisions having an average density of one and one-half lots per acre or less.
MAJOR STREET PLAN. The major street plan adopted as an element of the comprehensive/development plan.
MAJOR SUBDIVISION. All subdivisions of four or more lots.
MASTER DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL PLAN. The City of Hot Springs’ Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance.
MINOR SUBDIVISION. Any subdivision containing no more than three lots.
MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION. All subdivisions located within the limits of the Black Hills Fire District of South Dakota and also any subdivision where contours for any given cross section of the subdivision indicate an average cross slope greater than 15%.
OWNER’S ENGINEER. The registered Land Surveyor or the Civil Engineer registered and in good standing with the State Board of Professions who is the agent of the owner of land which is proposed to be subdivided or which is in the process of being subdivided.
PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION. The City of Hot Springs Planning and Zoning Commission, also herein referred to as COMMISSION or THE COMMISSION or THE PLANNING COMMISSION.
PRELIMINARY PLAT. The map or maps of a proposed subdivision and specified supporting materials, drawn and submitted in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, to permit the evaluation of the proposal prior to detailed engineering and design.
REGISTER OF DEEDS. The duly designated Register of Deeds of Fall River County, South Dakota.
SKETCH PLAN. The sketch map or maps of a proposed subdivision, drawn and submitted in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, to evaluate feasibility and design characteristics at an early stage in the planning.
SPECIFICATIONS. The specifications which have been adopted by the governing body.
STREET. A tract of land, dedicated to public use, which affords the primary means of access to the abutting property, but excluding the private driveways serving only one parcel of land.
STREET, COLLECTOR. A road intended to move traffic from residential streets to minor arterial streets.
STREET, MAJOR ARTERIAL. A road of considerable continuity, which is primarily a through-traffic artery for interconnection among large areas.
STREET, MINOR ARTERIAL. A road supplementary to the major streets and primarily a means of interconnection between minor traffic-generating areas. These streets carry traffic from collector streets to the major arterial streets.
STREET, RESIDENTIAL. A lane, a minor, major or low-density residential street intended to provide access to other streets or roads.
SUBDIVIDER. The person(s), firm(s) or corporation(s), owning land in the process of creating a subdivision of said land.
SUBDIVISION. Any division of any parcel or parcels of land for the purpose of transfer of ownership, which creates two or more smaller parcels of land (hereinafter referred to as lots).
(1) The use of the term
(a) The dedication of a road, highway, street or alley, within the subdivided land;
(b) A re-subdivision of a previously subdivided parcel of land (a lot);
(c) Any building development project involving subdivided land; and
(d) The establishment of a deeded private driveway.
(2) When appropriate, the term
SUBDIVISION shall relate to:
(a) The process of subdividing; and
(b) A parcel of land which is being or has been subdivided.
UTILITIES. Municipal and franchised utilities.
VICINITY MAP. A map indicating the location of the whole planned subdivision in relation to the City of Hot Springs or other immediately recognizable and distinguishable subdivision or landmark.
ZONING ADMINISTRATOR. The official designated by the City Council to administer the city’s zoning regulations.
ZONING ORDINANCE. The zoning ordinance of the City of Hot Springs, South Dakota.
(Prior Code, § 28-02)