(A)   Area regulations for existing mobile home parks.
      (1)   Manufactured homes or accessory structures shall not be placed closer than 25 feet to any property line adjacent to a street except as provided for as in § 155.048.
      (2)   Manufactured homes or accessory structures shall not be placed closer than five feet to any alley.
      (3)   Where a mobile home park borders another district, the side yard setback shall be in accordance with the stricter of the two districts.
      (4)   A manufactured home space shall be of sufficient size to provide at least ten feet of clear space end-to-end, and 20 feet side-to-side, to any other structure or placement, except that:
         (a)   Unenclosed porches or decks may encroach up to six feet into the required side setback provided that the porch or deck is not greater than 60 square feet in total area; and
         (b)   In no case shall the exterior of a detached carport be closer than three feet to any other structure.
      (5)   Accessory structures for a mobile home park space shall be limited to:
         (a)   One storage shed not to exceed 120 square feet in area;
         (b)   One carport not to exceed 400 square feet in area and 12 feet in total height, and shall be required to meet all applicable setback requirements; and
         (c)   A combination carport/storage shed where the aggregate area does not exceed the area and height restrictions above.
   (B)   Area regulations for recreation vehicles. Recreation vehicles (RVs) shall comply with the same area regulations as manufactured homes.
(Prior Code, § 13-A-06) (Ord. 1156, passed 10- -2015)