(A)   License required for mobile home parks.
      (1)   Mobile home parks existing at the time of the adoption of this chapter shall be subject to the inspection and license requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   Mobile home parks in existence and operation at the time of the enactment of this chapter shall be considered to be an existing non-conforming use. The ordinance provisions for mobile home parks have been replaced by manufactured home subdivision requirements in the zoning ordinance.
   (B)   Application for annual license renewal for mobile home park.
      (1)   Any person desiring to continue to operate a mobile home park within the city shall make application annually on a form provided by the city.
      (2)   Any person, company, corporation or entity having been issued a mobile home park license shall be responsible for the condition of the properties upon which manufactured homes are placed.
   (C)   Annual license fee for mobile home park; inspections.
      (1)   The license fee for operating a mobile home park shall be an amount as set by the City Council from time to time per year for every such park which can accommodate ten or less manufactured homes spaces and an amount as set by the City Council from time to time per year for every such park which can accommodate more than ten manufactured homes spaces up to and including 20 manufactured home spaces plus an amount as set by the City Council from time to time per year for every space over 20 in such park.
      (2)   Before such license may be renewed, the premises shall be inspected by the city in order to ensure that the mobile home park conforms to the ordinances of the city and the laws of the state.
      (3)   Mobile home parks that are found to be in non-compliance shall be given 30 days to correct the non-compliance issues. If non-compliances continue beyond 30 days, the mobile home park license shall be denied and the applicants notified by certified letter or personal service, or both.
   (D)   Recreation vehicles in mobile home parks.
      (1)   Where lots or spaces are rented out by the day or week for RV or camper placement, the mobile home park shall be subject to the following licenses and permits:
         (a)   Use permit for the operation of an RV park from the city; and
         (b)   Campground license as required by the State Department of Health.
      (2)   Lots or spaces within mobile home parks that are rented or leased for the placement of RVs and campers shall be rented or leased for a period of time of not less than 28 days and not greater than 180 days.
(Prior Code, § 13-A-04)