§ 111.08 FARM WINES.
   (A)   Farm wines. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      FARM WINERY. Any winery producing table, sparkling or sacramental wines as defined below, or wine, as defined below, with a majority of the ingredients grown or produced in the state.
      TABLE, SPARKLING AND SACRAMENTAL WINES. Any beverage made without rectification or fortification and containing not more than 24% alcohol by volume and made by the fermentation of grapes, grape juice, other fruits or honey.
      WINE. Any beverage made without rectification, except for the purpose of fortification, from the fermentation of grapes, grape juice, other fruit bases or honey without adding brandy or alcohol, and containing not less than 0.5% and not more than 24% alcohol by volume.
   (B)   Farm winery license. The Secretary of the Department of Revenue may issue a farm winery license to the owner or operator of a farm winery located in the state producing wines as defined in division (A) above.
   (C)   On-sale license. The holder of a farm winery license is eligible for an on-sale license issued pursuant to § 111.02(B), subject to the quota established by municipal ordinance.
   (D)   Off-sale license. The holder of a farm winery license may also hold on the premises where the wine is produced, an off-sale license issued pursuant to § 111.02(B)(4).
(Prior Code, § 3A-09) (Ord. 1142, passed 9-9-2014)