(A)   There is hereby created for the city the position of Public Works Engineer, who shall be a full-time, benefitted, salaried employee hired by a committee appointed by the Mayor and subject to the approval of the City Council.
   (B)   The Public Works Engineer’s duties shall include the supervision of all planning, construction and design of public works systems (utilities, including: water and waste water), infrastructure, facilities, storage tanks, chemical injection systems and structures of the city, and such other duties as may be directed by the Mayor. The Public Works Engineer shall assist and work with the Public Works Committee on any projects that they pursue, but the Public Works Engineer shall be answerable to the Mayor and City Administrator.
   (C)   The Public Works Engineer must be a Professional Engineer registered in the state of South Dakota.
(Prior Code, § 2-56) (Ord. 1049, passed 6-12-2007; Ord. 1230, passed 6-7-2021)