(A)   It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep all trees and shrubs that are within or protruding into the public right-of-way adjacent to his or her property properly trimmed for safe vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
   (B)   The following minimum heights and distances for trees and shrubs shall be followed.
      (1)   Overhanging branches and shrubs shall be kept trimmed at least 14 feet above a public street or alley.
      (2)   Overhanging tree branches and shrubs shall be kept a minimum of eight feet above all public sidewalks.
      (3)   On corner lots, no trees or shrubs shall be planted within a triangle established by measuring 25 feet back from both streets along the curb line or edge of pavement.
      (4)   No tree shall obstruct the view of any roadway regulatory sign or street name sign.
      (5)   No tree, shrub or other vegetation shall obstruct a fire hydrant or other emergency service access point.
      (6)   No tree, shrub or other vegetation shall obstruct a handicap accessible access point.
   (C)   The Planning Administrator (also referred to as Code Enforcement Officer), or in his or her absence, the City Administrator reserves the right to determine if any tree or shrub within or adjacent to the public right-of-way is causing public safety or nuisance hazard and to order the obstructing, dead or dying tree or shrub trimmed or removed.
   (D)   If any property owner shall fail or refuse to trim or remove any tree or shrub which has been determined by the city to be a public safety or hazard nuisance within a reasonable time following notification, the city may cause such tree or shrub to be trimmed or removed and the cost of such shall be assessed against the owner.
(Prior Code, § 22-19) (Ord. 1161, passed 11-10-2015)