(A) Sewer service line connections.
(1) No unauthorized person(s) shall uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter or disturb any public sewer or appurtenance thereof without first making application on a form provided by the city. Such application to be approved by the Building Official or Public Works Engineer.
(2) The size, slope, alignment, materials of construction of all sanitary sewers and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing and back-filling the trench, shall all conform to the requirements of the Building and Plumbing Code or other applicable rules and regulations of the city.
(3) All costs and expense associated with the installation and connection and maintenance of a private sewer service line shall be borne by the owner.
(4) The owner shall indemnify the city from any loss or damage that may be directly or indirectly occasioned by the installation of the private sewer service.
(B) Wastewater service connection permits.
(1) There shall be two classes of wastewater service connection permits:
(a) For residential service; and
(b) For commercial and industrial waste.
(2) Residential sewer services shall be a minimum of four inches and shall have a double clean-out located within 25 feet of the residence, and shall run directly from that property to the city right-of-way to connect to the municipal sewer main in the most direct route obtainable.
(3) Where wastewater service lines cannot be installed at a 90 degree angle to the street (+/- five degrees) as identified by the clean-out location, a tracer wire shall be installed with the wastewater service line and attached or affixed to the clean-out within six inches of the finished or final grade.
(4) Commercial and industrial sewer services shall be sized in accordance with applicable plumbing codes. Commercial or industrial sewer services implementing the use of grease traps, interceptors or other containment system shall comply with the requirements of § 52.08(D) and (E).
(5) Commercial and Industrial sewer services greater than four inches shall enter the sanitary sewer via an approved manhole, services not entering a manhole shall have a double clean-out located within 25 feet of the structure.
(C) Sewer tap fees.
(1) Residential and commercial tap fees.
(a) For all residential sewer taps there shall be a residential connection fee set by Council and subject to change.
(b) For commercial and industrial sewer services entering the municipal sewer main via a manhole, there shall be a commercial connection fee set by Council and subject to change. Users outside of the city will be charged two times the fee.
(2) In addition to all other fees paid for a new sewer service connection, those new services that connect to a municipally installed service line stub-out to the property line will pay a connection to municipal stub-out fee which will be set by Council and subject to change. Users outside of the city will be charged two times the fee.
(D) Wastewater service connection (tap) application.
(1) Application for a wastewater service connection, also referred to as a “tap application” shall be made to the Building Official on a form provided by the city.
(2) A site plan shall accompany the application indicating the proposed location of the connection to the sewer main.
(3) The applicant for the wastewater service connection permit shall notify the Wastewater Superintendent when the wastewater service line is ready for inspection and connection to the public sewer. The connection and testing shall be made under the supervision of the Wastewater Superintendent.
(4) An “as-built” map shall be provided to the Building Official indicating the exact location and depth of the actual connection, such as-built map shall be attached to the application as part of the permanent record of installation.
(E) Sewer mains and service line responsibility.
(1) The City Wastewater Department will be responsible for the maintenance and repair of all sewer mains, manholes, lift stations and other appurtenances of the collection system located in the public right-of-way, with the exception of private wastewater service lines, provided that all parts of that system in question have been installed in accordance with the provisions of such installations and have been accepted by the Public Works Engineer.
(2) All private wastewater service lines, fixtures and clean-outs extending from the premises served to the sewer main in the public right-of-way is the responsibility of the property owner to service and maintain. All wastewater service lines and fixtures installed and connected to the municipal sanitary collection system shall be kept in good working order, and properly protected from frost and other damage at the expense of the owner.
(3) If any person shall fail to promptly repair any leaky, clogged or inadequate wastewater service line, or if any person shall fail to promptly and properly empty or repair any septic tank, after receiving official notification by the city to do so, the supply of city water may be immediately shut off from the premises of all water users on that line, and shall remain off until the necessary repairs have been made. The city shall not be liable for any damage resulting from the shutting off of the water, and no deductions shall be allowed from regular water rates during the period that the water is shut off. The water supply shall not again be turned on to the premises until all work ordered by the city has been satisfactorily completed and a disconnect and reconnect fee, set by Council and subject to change, paid for turning the water off and on. In addition, the city may cause the said service pipe to be repaired and assess the actual cost of the repair to the property.
(4) A wastewater service line now in existence which does not conform to the ordinances of the city may remain in service until such line needs to be replaced. Any replaced wastewater service line must conform to the city ordinances and will be treated as a new sewer service line.
(Ord. 1195, passed 12-3-2018; Ord. 1250, passed 11-6-2023)