(A)   A member seeks recognition by addressing the Chairperson. The Chairperson should be addressed by the appropriate title: Mayor; Mister or Madame Chairperson; or Mister and Madame President; whichever is appropriate.
   (B)   The Presiding Officer recognizes the City Council member by his or her name, "Council member Smith" or by a nod to the member. The person recognized has the floor and is the only member entitled to speak.
   (C)   The Council member proposes a motion. "I move that..."
   (D)   Another member seconds the motion. If no member seconds the motion, the Chairperson may declare the motion lost for lack of second.
   (E)   The Chairperson states the motion to the Council. After it has been stated to the Council, it may be referred to as the question, proposition or measure.
   (F)   (1)   The Council discusses or debates the motion. If more than one member desires to speak to the motion and seeks the floor, certain principles guide the decision of the Chairperson. Preference should be given to the proposer of the motion. A member who has not spoken to the motion should be given preference over a member who has.
      (2)   The Chairperson should alternate recognition to those who favor the question with those who oppose it, if he or she knows the opinions of the various members. The Chairperson should recognize a member who seldom speaks in preference to one who speaks often.
   (G)   The Chairperson calls for a vote on the motion. He or she may, before taking the vote, ask if there is any further discussion. A vote is taken by the Chairperson announcing, "All in favor of the motion say aye". Following the affirmative vote, the Chairperson then says, "Those opposed, say no". If the Chairperson cannot determine the number of voices votes, he or she may ask the members of the Council to vote by a show of hands. However, the final vote on an ordinance, must be recorded call vote. A roll call vote is taken by the Chairperson or Clerk calling the name of each Council member present.
   (H)   The Chairperson announces the result of the vote: "The motion is carried" or "the motion is lost".
(Ord. 3-85, passed 3-19-1985)