(A)   Pursuant to KRS 83A.130(5) the Mayor shall preside at meetings of the Council. If the Mayor is not in attendance, the Presiding Officer appointed by municipal order of the Council shall preside. In the absence of both, the Council shall elect a member of the body to preside over that meeting.
   (B)   The Presiding Officer shall:
      (1)   Maintain order and decorum; order the removal of any person who becomes disorderly; or impose such other punishment as the Council determines;
      (2)   Recognize any person who desires to speak, giving priority of recognition to members of the Council;
      (3)   Rules on questions of procedures, including the order of motions to be considered and whether or not a motion is debatable;
      (4)   Present debatable motions for discussion (state the motion to the members);
      (5)   Call for vote on motions; announce the vote and the effect of it; and
      (6)   Announce the next order of business.
(Ord. 3-85, passed 3-19-1985; Ord. 01-2007, passed 1-16-2007; Ord. 01-2015, passed 3-17-2015)