The following procedure shall be followed:
(A) Call to order, invocation and Pledge of Allegiance;
(B) Roll call;
(C) Awards and recognitions;
(D) Public hearings (if applicable);
(E) Public comments;
(F) Mayor comments;
(G) Reports from officers, committees and guest speakers;
(H) Approval of minutes;
(I) Ordinances, second reading;
(J) Ordinances, first reading;
(K) Municipal orders;
(L) Resolutions;
(M) Executive orders;
(N) Other;
(O) Council member comments;
(P) Closed session (if applicable); and
(Q) Adjournment.
(Ord. 3-85, passed 3-19-1985; Ord. 01-2007, passed 1-16-2007)