The property owner/developer/applicant and the utility shall enter into a drainage system extension agreement whenever new development involves any of the following:
   (A)   Work in the public drainage system or within the right-of-way;
   (B)   Work in an accepted drainage easement or a drainage feature that has public significance in conveying surface and storm water runoff;
   (C)   The drainage system extension agreement will incorporate by reference the plans and calculations specifically addressing the proposed modifications and/or changes to the public system;
   (D)   The plans, specifications and calculations will be reviewed and approved prior to the signing of the agreement;
   (E)   The utility will accept the new facilities once the facilities have been built according to the approved plans, specifications and calculations, as confirmed by the utility. "As-built" drawings will be completed and submitted. All applicable fees and charges shall be paid prior to acceptance;
   (F)   The property owner/developer/applicant shall be required to provide surety devices, in the form approved by the utility, for drainage system extensions prior to signing the agreement. Construction will not begin until the agreement has been verified and approved;
   (G)   A one-year warranty period following acceptance shall be required and appropriate surety provided as part of the agreement; and
   (H)   It is the property owner/developer/applicant's responsibility to identify and obtain all other permits/approvals required for any proposed work.
(Ord. 32-2005, passed 12-6-2005)