(A)   (1)   All permits issued for this chapter shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance unless construction is commenced prior to this date or an extension of time is approved by the utility.
      (2)   An extension of an expired permit shall be issued by the utility following the submission of a written request if, in the opinion of the utility, the subject property or affected surrounding area has not been altered in a manner which requires alteration to the surface and storm water management plan.
   (B)   (1)   A renewal of an expired permit may be issued by the utility following a re-submittal of the permit application form, and review by the utility to determine if any changes have occurred in project site conditions or surface and storm water management plan requirements since the original permit was issued.
      (2)   If the changes have occurred, the utility may require the owner/developer/applicant to resubmit the surface and storm water management plan for a new review.
      (C)   The refusal of the utility to reissue an expired permit shall contain the reasons for the refusal.
   (D)   A permit shall not expire while a request for an extension is pending; the request for extension shall have been made prior to the expiration of the permit.
(Ord. 32-2005, passed 12-6-2005)