(A)   Permit applications shall include the following: two copies of the surface and storm water management plan, two copies of the maintenance agreement and any required review fees.
   (B)   Within 15 business days of the receipt of a complete permit application, including all documents as required by this chapter, the utility shall inform the owner/developer/applicant whether the application, plan and maintenance agreement are approved or disapproved.
   (C)   (1)   If the permit application, surface and storm water management plan or maintenance agreement are disapproved, the owner/developer/applicant may revise the surface and storm water management plan or maintenance agreement.
      (2)   If additional information is submitted, the utility shall have ten business days from the date the additional information is received to inform the owner/ developer/applicant that the plan and maintenance agreement are either approved or disapproved.
   (D)   If the permit application, final surface and storm water management plan and maintenance agreement are approved by the utility, an appropriate permit shall be issued upon the posting of a surety instrument in the full amount of the improvement.
(Ord. 32-2005, passed 12-6-2005)