A Surface and Storm Water Utility is created and known as the Surface and Storm Water Utility of the city.
   (A)   The Surface and Storm Water Utility will be governed by a five-member board appointed by the Mayor and approved by City Council. One of the five members shall be appointed from the City Council and shall serve a one-year term.
   (B)   Each board member will be appointed to a four-year term. The initial appointments will have staggered terms with two members serving a two-year term, one member serving a three-year term and one member serving a four-year term. Appointments thereafter will be for a four-year term.
   (C)   The utility will adopt and establish the necessary policies and procedures to manage and operate the utility.
   (D)   The utility will set an appropriate level of compensation for Board members.
   (E)   The utility will coordinate, contract and oversee work responsibilities as they pertain to surface and storm water; the Planning Commission will be responsible for administration and enforcement; Hopkinsville Water Environment Authority will be responsible for monitoring water quality, testing and billing; and the Public Works Department will be responsible for maintenance, construction, construction management, and inspections.
(Ord. 32-2005, passed 12-6-2005)