§ 52.999 PENALTY.
   Notwithstanding any other section of this chapter, any user who is found to have violated any provision of this chapter, or permits and orders issued hereunder shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $1,000 per violation. Each day on which noncompliance shall occur or continue shall be deemed a separate distinct violation. The assessments may be added to the user's next scheduled sewer service charge and the Manager shall have such other collection remedies as he or she has to collect other service charges. Unpaid charges, fines and penalties shall constitute a lien against the individual user's property. Industrial users desiring to dispute the fines must file a request for the Manager to reconsider the fine within ten days of being notified of the fine. Where the Manager believes a request has merit, he or she shall convene a hearing on the matter within 15 days of receiving the request from the industrial user.
(Ord. 7-92, passed 2-4-1992)