The following standards are required.
   (A)   Land Use Classification #1, #2 and #3.
      (1)   Building site area. The minimum building site area shall be:
         (a)   Land Use Classification #1: single-family detached: 10,000 square feet per unit;
         (b)   Land Use Classification #2:
            1.   Single-family detached: 7,500 square feet per unit; and
            2.   Two-family (duplexes): 10,000 square feet per two units.
         (c)   Land Use Classification #3.
            1.   Single-family detached: 5,000 square feet per unit;
            2.   Two-family (duplexes): 8,000 square feet per two units; and
            3.   Multi-family units: 2,170 square feet per unit, three or more.
      (2)   Building site width.
         (a)   The minimum site width at the building setback line shall be:
            1.   Single-family detached: 50 feet;
            2.   Two-family (duplexes): 50 feet; and
            3.   Multi-family: 60 feet.
         (b)   Lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a 100-foot minimum site width requirement for that property line that faces U.S. 41A.
      (3)   Building site coverage. The total lot coverage permitted for all buildings on the site shall not exceed:
         (a)   Single-family detached: 45%;
         (b)   Two-family (duplexes): 50%; and
         (c)   Multi-family: 55%.
      (4)   Building height limit. The maximum building height shall not exceed:
         (a)   Single-family detached: 35 feet;
         (b)   Two-family (duplexes): 35 feet; and
         (c)   Multi-family: 50 feet.
      (5)   Setback requirements. The minimum requirements for yards:
         (a)   Front yard: 25 feet;
         (b)   Rear yard: 15 feet; and
         (c)   Side yard: ten feet.
      (6)   Special setback requirements.
         (a)    Lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a 90-foot setback requirement for that property line that faces U.S. 41A. Corner lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a minimum setback of 40 feet for the property line that faces the intersecting street of US 41A.
         (b)   Where a landscape easement is required, the landscape easement shall be included into the required buffer distance setback.
         (c)   In situations where a buffer distance is required for the property that adjoins an incompatible land use classification, the buffer distance for the side adjacent to the incompatible use shall be the required setback distance.
   (B)   Land use classification #4, #5, #6 and #7.
      (1)   Building site area. See § 158.403, Land Use Classification.
      (2)   Building site width. The minimum building site width measured at the setback will be 100 feet. Lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin US 41A will have a 100 foot minimum site width requirement for that property line that faces U.S. 41A.
      (3)   Building site coverage. The maximum building site coverage by all buildings shall not exceed 55% of lot area.
      (4)   Building height limit. No structure shall exceed 50 feet in height.
      (5)   Setback requirements. The minimum requirements for commercial yards:
         (a)   Front yard: 40 feet;
         (b)   Rear yard: 20 feet; and
         (c)   Side yard: ten feet.
      (6)   Special setback requirements.
         (a)   Lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a 90-foot setback requirement for that property line that faces U.S. 41A. Corner lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a minimum setback of 40 feet for the property line that faces the intersecting street of U.S. 41A.
         (b)   Where a landscape easement is required, the landscape easement shall be included into the required buffer distance setback.
         (c)   In situations where a buffer distance is required for the property that adjoins an incompatible land use classification, the buffer distance for the side adjacent to the incompatible use shall be the required setback distance.
   (C)   Land use classification #8. The following standards are for new developments.
      (1)   Building site area. No minimum building site area.
      (2)   Building site width. The minimum building site width measured at the setback will be 100 feet. Lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a 100-foot minimum site width requirement for that property line that faces U.S. 41A.
      (3)   Building site coverage. The maximum building site coverage by all buildings shall not exceed 55% of lot area.
      (4)   Building height limit. No structure shall exceed 50 feet in height.
      (5)   Setback requirements. The minimum requirements for agricultural yards.
         (a)   Front yard: 25 feet;
         (b)   Rear yard: 15 feet; and
         (c)   Side yard: ten feet.
      (6)   Special setback requirements.
         (a)   Lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a 90-foot setback requirement for that property line that faces U.S. 41A. Corner lots that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A will have a minimum setback of 40 feet for the property line that faces the intersecting street of U.S. 41A.
         (b)   Where a landscape easement is required, the landscape easement shall be included in the required buffer distance setback.
         (c)   In situations where a buffer distance is required for the property that adjoins an incompatible land use classification, the buffer distance for the side adjacent to the incompatible use shall be the required setback distance.
   (D)   Subdivisions. All subdivisions of land shall comply with the rules and regulations of land subdivisions in the Hopkinsville Subdivision Regulations. All major and minor subdivisions of land, as defined in the Hopkinsville Subdivision Regulations, that have frontage on, abut and/or adjoin U.S. 41A, that have or propose to have direct access onto U.S. 41A or industrial lots, are required to have five or more acres per lot in area. Lot size can be reduced if access onto U.S. 41A is not direct access and has indirect access either by frontage roads or intersecting streets.
(Ord. 33-99, passed 11-2-1999)