(A)   All landscaping materials shall be installed in a sound manner and according to accepted good construction and planting procedures. Any landscape material, which fails to meet the minimum requirements of this chapter at the time of installation, shall be removed and replaced with acceptable materials. A list of suggested and undesirable plant material is available in §§ 158.226 and 158.227, respectively.
   (B)   Hopkinsville, Kentucky is located within the Plant Hardiness Zone 6b.
   (C)   Existing landscape features shall be preserved where possible or feasible. Existing landscape features which are preserved may be used to fulfill the landscape requirements. The landscape elements to be preserved must be illustrated on the Landscape Plan and approved by the Zoning Inspector.
   (D)   Surfaces denuded of vegetation shall be seeded or sodded to prevent soil erosion.
   (E)   Landscape materials placed near street intersections shall meet the following requirements.
      (1)   Obstruction of vision at street intersections is prohibited. Additionally, lots adjacent to an intersection shall not obstruct vision of the intersection within the 30-foot sight triangle. The 30-foot sight triangle is defined as a triangle consisting of the edge of street pavements intersecting at a point forming the outer boundaries of the lot and an imaginary line drawn 30 feet from the point of intersection in either direction. No obstruction to vision between a height of two and one-half feet and 12 feet above the imaginary plane defined by those three points of intersection are permitted.
      (2)   No structure, wall, fence, shrubbery or trees shall be erected, maintained or planted on any lot which will obstruct the view of the driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection, except that shade trees will be permitted where all branches are not less than eight feet above street level. The minimum sight distances which shall be maintained for intersections are as follows:
Low Density
Medium Density
High Density
Minor arterial
Major arterial
      (3)   No obstruction shall be placed in the right-of-way.
   (F)   The person in charge of or in control of the property whether as owner, lessee, tenant, occupant or otherwise shall be responsible for the continued proper maintenance of all landscaping materials and shall keep them in a proper, neat and orderly appearance free from refuse, debris, noxious weeds and unwanted grass at all times. All unhealthy or dead plant material shall be replaced within four months or by the next planting season, whichever comes first; while other defective landscape material shall be replaced or repaired within two months. All plant material shall be maintained according to accepted horticultural practices.
   (G)   All shade trees shall be a minimum of two inches caliper; ornamental trees shall be one-inch caliper; evergreen trees shall be five feet tall, when planted. Tree type shall be approved by the Zoning Inspector.
   (H)   Only a small tree that reaches a mature height no greater than 25 feet may be planted within 20 lateral feet of overhead utility lines.
   (I)   Soil in tree, shrub, or plant zones (defined as twice the diameter of the rootball) must be free of asphalt, construction and trash material. Soil must be at least 50% desirable planting topsoil or media thoroughly mixed with existing soil. If previously undisturbed natural topsoil is available, no amendments are necessary. Subsoil is not acceptable for planting.
   (J)   Staking is not required on any trees. Any tree needing staking due to species, size, site conditions, or maintenance problems shall have a fabric/belting type material used for tying (ex. ARBOR TIE). No wire is allowed on any tree. Stakes shall be wooden, driven at least one-third of total length into undisturbed soil or compacted fill. Stakes and all tying material shall be removed by end of one year.
   (K)   Plastic or other impervious materials shall not be used in landscaped areas as weed control barriers.
   (L)   Mulch shall be applied to all non-turf, landscaped areas at planting. Mulch is not required on groundcover after it becomes fully established. The desirable recommendation for mulch is composed wood chips, pine bark, pine straw and shredded hardwood bark. Mulch shall be applied and maintained at two to four inches deep and with no more than one inch touching any part of the plant. Other organic and non-organic materials may be used as long as they are pervious to air and water. Crushed limestone is not acceptable.
(Ord. 11-85, passed 12-3-1985; Ord. 24-2007, passed 8-21-2007)