Except as otherwise permitted in these regulations, accessory buildings shall be subject to the following regulations.
   (A)   Where the accessory building is structurally attached to a main building, it shall be subject to and must conform to all regulations of this chapter applicable to main or principal buildings.
   (B)   Accessory buildings shall not be erected in any required yard except a rear yard or side yard; providing that, in no instance shall such a building be nearer than five feet to any adjoining side lot line or rear lot line.
   (C)   An accessory building, not exceeding one story or 14 feet in height, may occupy not more than 25% of any non-required yard; provided that, in no instance shall the accessory building exceed the ground floor of the principal building.
   (D)   In the case of double frontage lot, accessory buildings shall observe front yard requirements on both street frontages wherever there are any principal buildings fronting on the streets in the same block or adjacent blocks.
   (E)   When an accessory building is to be located on a corner lot, the side lot line of which is substantially a continuation of the front lot line of the lot to its rear, the building shall not project beyond the front yard line required on the lot in rear of the corner lot.
   (F)   In any residential zone no garage shall be erected closer to the side lot line than the permitted distance for the dwelling, unless the garage shall be completely to the rear of the dwelling, in which event the garage may be erected five feet from the side and rear lot line. No garage or portion thereof shall extend beyond the front building line of the dwelling. Attached garages of fireproof construction may be erected to extend beyond the front line of the house in those areas which are being developed according to a common plan that includes the construction of attached garages extending beyond the front line of the house, except that such garages shall not encroach in or upon the minimum front yard area as required by these regulations, and provided the cornice, eaves or overhang shall not extend more than six inches into the required side yard area.
   (G)   Carports constructed in residential zoning district shall comply with the following requirements.
      (1)   A carport that is placed at the side of an existing residence and which consists of a roof and supporting posts must be five feet from the interior side lot line. The carport may also extend to within ten feet of the side lot line along a public street. The requirements stated in this division refer to the distance between a side property line and the roof line of the carport.
      (2)   A carport which is structurally part of a residence (one that is composed of the same building materials as the house of which it is a part and one that has the same roof line as the house of which it is a part) shall not extend into a required side yard. Such a carport is usually constructed at the same time as the residence of which it is a part.
      (3)   No carport shall extend into the required front yard of a lot.
      (4)   A carport that encroaches into the required side yard of a lot as permitted by this section may not later be converted into living area, a storage room garage or other walled structure without approval of the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
(Ord. 11-85, passed 12-3-1985)