(A)   An application is required to be submitted to the Flood Safety Officer or, should he or she so designate, the plans examiner, prior to subdivision approval or issuance of a building permit for each of the following proposed improvements within the city limits. The chapter shall apply to:
      (1)   Residential development of two acres or more; commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, utility or other development or redevelopment comprising a gross aggregate of one acre or more. This gross aggregate shall include streets and other dedicated lands;
      (2)   Development, new construction and substantial improvements including the placement of prefabricated buildings, mobile homes, apartment complexes and shopping centers or any other residential developments under two acres or commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental or utility developments under one acre which, because of unusual circumstances, impose particular hazards to life safety or property;
      (3)   Subdivision proposals and other proposed new developments;
      (4)   Proposals to alter or relocate a watercourse, deposit or remove any material within a water-course, plant or remove any vegetation, or alter any embankment within a watercourse. (This requirement shall be in addition to any review of the state); and
      (5)   Any development meeting the conditions listed in division (A)(4) above which do not have a valid building permit as of the effective date of this chapter shall be regulated under the terms of this chapter.
   (B)   Plans, specifications and all calculations for the control of storm runoff as required by this chapter shall be provided.
   (C)   Required maintenance for retention basins or other structures shall be permanently provided by the developer with responsibility becoming that of the private landowner after complete development, subject to inspection of the Flood Safety Officer. Every retention basin or structure shall be legally defined on both deed and plat and the maintenance entity shall be specified.
   (D)   The applicant is required to dedicate easements along those drainageways necessary for adequate watershed drainage, maintenance and operations.
   (E)   Each application must be on a form furnished by the city, submitted in at least three copies and each be accompanied by a map to determine location of the proposed sites. At least one copy of the application, map and other attachments are to be retained for city files by the Flood Safety Officer.
   (F)   An application for a permit for proposed improvements within the city must also be accompanied by a fee as set forth by City Council, and specifications and plans of such nature and detail that will enable the Flood Safety Officer to determine that the proposed improvements meet this chapter.
   (G)   When it has been determined that the applicant has sufficiently met the requirements, permits will be issued for proposed improvements to be carried out. If a definite determination cannot be made, the Flood Safety Officer may request additional information be supplied by the applicant, or may request the city or its authorized agent prepare an additional set of specifications and plans adequate to derive a determination.
(Ord. 14-79, passed 10-16-1979; Ord. 17-80, passed 12-16-1980)