(A)   Bylaws. The Vacant Property Review Commission shall establish bylaws which govern the internal operation and administration of the Commission. The bylaws shall include the following:
      (1)   Establishment of officers:
         (a)   Chairperson;
         (b)   Vice-Chairperson; and
         (c)   Secretary/Treasurer.
      (2)   Duties of each officer;
      (3)   Selection of each officer;
      (4)   Order of business;
      (5)   Meeting times;
      (6)   Definition of quorum;
      (7)   Transaction of business;
      (8)   Hearings and records;
      (9)   Financial transactions; and
      (10)   Amendments.
   (B)   Certification process. The following procedures will be followed by the Vacant Property Review Commission certifying to the City Council that a property(ies) and/or structure(s) is/are deteriorated or blighted. Eminent domain proceedings will not commence until the following procedures have been completed.
      (1)   Owner of property. The owner of the property or designated agent will be sent an order by the appropriate code enforcement agency to illustrate conditions which are causing the deteriorating or blighting conditions as referenced in Section VII, Housing Standards.
      (2)   Corrective action. The property owner or designated agent will have 30 days to take corrective action which will eliminate the blighted or deteriorated condition.
      (3)   Determination of blight or deterioration. The Vacant Property Review Commission shall review the property and/or structure if the owner or designated agency has failed to address the blighted or deteriorated conditions as outlined in the order. The review of the property and/or structure shall include:
         (a)   The vacancy of the structure;
         (b)   The order to eliminate the blighted or deteriorated conditions; and
         (c)   The specific housing standards which the property and/or structure has violated.
      (4)   Planning Commission. The Vacant Property Review Commission shall notify the Hopkinsville - Christian County Planning Commission for their determination that the reuse of the property and/or structure for residential or related use is in keeping with the comprehensive plan.
      (5)   Written report. The Vacant Property Review Commission shall write a report outlining their findings and determination that the property or structure is deteriorated or blighted. The report shall be submitted to the Mayor and City Council.
      (6)   Notification of eminent domain proceedings. The Vacant Property Review Commission shall notify the owner of the property or structure or designated agent that a determination of deteriorated or blighted conditions has been made and failure to eliminate the conditions causing the deterioration or blighting conditions shall render the property subject to condemnation by the city under KRS 99.705 to 99.730. The notice shall be mailed to the owners of the property or designated agent by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the address of the property owner or designated agency is unknown and cannot be ascertained by the Vacant Property Review Commission, then copies of the notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the affected property. The written notice shall describe conditions that render the property blighted and deteriorated, and shall demand abatement of the conditions within 90 days of the receipt of the notice.
      (7)   City Council action. The City Council will institute eminent domain proceedings pursuant to KRS Chapter 416 against any property or structure which the Vacant Property Review Commission has certified as blighted or deteriorated and meets the four conditions listed:
         (a)   The property is a serious and growing menace to the public health, safety and welfare;
         (b)   The property will continue to deteriorate unless corrected;
         (c)   The continued deterioration will negatively impact surrounding properties; and
         (d)   The owner has failed to correct the deterioration of the property.
(Ord. 11-88, passed 6-21-1988)