§ 111.07  DENIAL.
   A license may be denied if:
   (A)   The applicant fails to comply with any or all requirements of this chapter, or with any or all conditions imposed by the license, or with any other applicable provision of state or local law; or
   (B)   The applicant has knowingly made a false, misleading or fraudulent statement in the application or in any supporting document.
(Prior Code, Ch. XXXVI, § 7)  (Ord. 1-2014, passed 6-23-2014)
   A license must specify the name and address of the licensee, the kind and location of the assembly, the maximum number of attendants permissible, the duration of the license and any other conditions imposed by the township. A license must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises of the assembly and cannot be transferred to any other person or location.
(Prior Code, Ch. XXXVI, § 8)  (Ord. 1-2014, passed 6-23-2014)
   All licenses will, at a minimum, require the following.
   (A)   Security personnel. The licensee is responsible for employing such security personnel as are necessary and sufficient to provide for the adequate security and protection of the maximum number of attendants at the assembly and/or the preservation of order and protection of property in and around the site of the assembly. No license shall be issued unless the Sheriff is satisfied that such necessary and sufficient security personnel will be provided by the licensee for the duration of the assembly.
   (B)   Water supply. The licensee shall provide sufficient potable water for drinking, cooking, washing and other water-using facilities for peak demand conditions.
   (C)   Restroom facilities.
      (1)   The licensee shall provide sufficient toilet facilities or portable toilets, hand-washing stations and drinking water facilities. The number and type of facilities required shall be determined, on the basis of the number of attendants, in the following manner:
Drinking fountains
Taps or faucets
      (2)   Where the licensee allows attendants to remain on the premises between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., the licensee shall provide shower facilities, on the basis of the number of attendees, in the following manner:
Shower heads
      (3)   All facilities shall be installed, connected and maintained free from obstructions, leaks and defects and shall, at all times, be in operable condition as determined by the County Public Health Department.
   (D)   Food service. lf food service is made available on the premises, it shall be delivered only through concessions operated in accordance with the temporary food establishment provisions of the State Food Law of 2000, being M.C.L.A. §§ 289.1101 et seq.; applicable rules and regulations; and any other applicable provision of state or local law. If the assembly is distant from food service establishments open to the public, the licensee must make such food services available on the premises as will adequately feed the attendants.
   (E)   Medical facilities. lf the assembly is not readily and quickly accessible to adequate existing medical facilities, the licensee shall be required to provide such facilities, including cooling tents or facilities, on the premises of the assembly.
   (F)   Liquid waste disposal.
      (1)   The licensee shall provide for liquid waste disposal in accordance with all the rules and regulations established by the County Public Health Department of the Public Health Code, part 127: Water Supply and Sewer Systems, being M.C.L.A. §§ 333.12701 et seq.; the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, part 117: Septage Waste Servicers, being M.C.L.A. §§ 324.11701 et seq.; applicable rules and regulations and any other applicable provision of state or local law.
      (2)   If liquid waste retention and disposal requires septage waste servicers, they shall be licensed in accordance with the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Part 13: Permits, being M.C.L.A. §§ 324.1301 et seq., applicable rules and regulations and any other applicable provision of state or local law. The licensee shall provide the Township Clerk and County Public Health Department with a true copy of an executed agreement with a licensed septage waste servicer for the proper, effective and frequent removal of liquid wastes from the premises to prevent a nuisance or threat to the public health.
   (G)   Solid waste disposal.
      (1)   The licensee shall provide for solid waste storage on, and removal from, the premises in accordance with the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Part I 15: Solid Waste Disposal, being M.C.L.A. §§ 324.11501 et seq., applicable rules and regulations and any other applicable provision of state or local law.
      (2)   Storage shall be in approved, covered, fly-tight and rodent-proof containers, provided in sufficient quantity to accommodate the number of attendants. Prior to issuance of any license, the licensee shall provide the Township Clerk and County Public Health Department with a true copy of an executed agreement with a licensed refuse collector for the proper, effective and frequent removal of solid waste from the premises to prevent a nuisance or threat to the public health.
      (3)   The licensee shall implement effective control measures to minimize the presence of rodents, flies, roaches and other vermin on the premises. Poisonous materials, such as insecticides or rodenticides, shall not be used in any way so as to contaminate food, equipment or otherwise constitute a hazard to the public health.
      (4)   Solid waste containing food water shall be stored so as to be inaccessible to vermin. The premises shall be kept in such condition as to prevent the harborage or feeding of vermin.
   (H)   Reimbursement of township expenses. The licensee shall be and remain liable for the actual costs and fees associated with the assembly incurred by the township or other agencies which bill the township (e.g., Sheriff’s Department billings sent to the township and the like). Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the Township Board or Supervisor, as a condition of the issuance of a license, may require of the licensee a deposit in an amount reasonably estimated to reflect the actual costs and fees associated with the assembly that will be incurred by the township or other agencies which bill the township.
   (I)   Public bathing beaches. Public bathing beaches shall be provided only in accordance with the Public Health Code, part 125: Campgrounds, Swimming Areas and Swimmer’s Itch, being M.C.L.A. §§ 333.12501 et seq.; and the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, part 801, being M.C.L.A. § 324.80198b, applicable rules and regulations, and any other applicable provision of state or local law.
   (J)   Public swimming pools. Public swimming pools shall be provided only in accordance with the Public Health Code, Part 125: Campgrounds, Swimming Areas and Swimmer’s Itch, being M.C.L.A. §§ 333.12521 through 333.12534, applicable rules and regulations, and any other applicable provision of state or local law.
   (K)   Access and traffic control.
      (1)   The licensee shall provide for ingress to and egress from the premises so as to ensure the orderly flow of traffic onto and off of the premises.
      (2)   Prior to the issuance of a license, the County Road Commission and County Sheriff must approve the licensee’s plan for access and traffic control.
   (L)   Parking. The licensee shall provide a parking area sufficient to accommodate all motor vehicles, with at least one automobile space for every four attendants.
   (M)   Camping and trailer parking. A licensee who permits attendants to remain on the premises between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall provide for camping and trailer parking and facilities in accordance with the township’s Zoning Ordinance; the township’s Campground Ordinance; the Public Health Code, Part 125: Campgrounds, Swimming Areas and Swimmer’s Itch, being M.C.L.A. §§ 333.12501 et seq.; and the State Department of Community Health’s rules regarding sanitation and safety standards for campgrounds and public health.
   (N)   Lighting. The licensee shall provide lighting of all occupied areas sufficient to ensure safety and comfort of all attendants. The licensee’s lighting plan shall be approved by the township.
   (O)   Insurance.
      (1)   Before the issuance of a license, the licensee shall obtain public liability insurance with limits of not less than $1,000,000 and property damage insurance with a limit of not less than $50,000 from a company or companies approved by the Commissioner of Insurance of the state, which insurance shall insure liability for death or injury to person or damage to property which may result from the conduct of the assembly or conduct incident thereto and which insurance shall remain in full force and effect in the specified amounts for the duration of the license.
      (2)   The evidence of insurance shall name the township as an additional insured and shall include an endorsement to the effect that the insurance company will notify the township in writing at least ten days before the expiration or cancellation of said insurance.
   (P)   Bonding. Before the issuance of a license, the licensee shall obtain, from a corporate bonding company authorized to do business in the state, a corporate surety bond in the amount of $100,000 or cash to be placed in an escrow account to be approved by the Township Board or Attorney, conditioned upon the licensee’s faithful compliance with all of the terms and provisions of this chapter and all applicable provisions of state or local law, and which shall indemnify the township, its agents, officers and employees and the Board against any and all loss, costs, fees, charges, injury or damage whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with the assembly or the township’s (or its agent’s) provision of services for the same and which shall indemnify the owners of property adjoining the assembly site for any costs attributable to cleaning up and/or removing debris, trash or other waste resultant from the assembly.
   (Q)   Fire protection. The licensee shall, at his, her or its own expense, take adequate steps as determined by the Fire Chief to ensure fire protection, and the assembly shall be subject to all applicable sections of the Fire Prevention Code, being M.C.L.A. §§ 29.1 et seq., and any applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
   (R)   Noise control. Sound-producing equipment, including, but not limited to, public address systems, speaker systems, radios, live or broadcast musical instruments, or other live, electronic, mechanical or broadcast sound or music devices shall not be used or operated on the premises of the assembly so as to cause or create any sound or noise in such a manner or with such volume as to unreasonably upset or disturb the quiet, comfort or repose of other persons between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
   (S)   Explosives officer. The licensee shall, at his, her or its own expense, take all steps reasonably required by the State Police or other law enforcement agency to ensure that a trained explosives officer or viable alternative is on the site of the assembly at all times while the license is in effect.
   (T)   Miscellaneous. Prior to issuance of a license, the Board may impose any other condition(s) reasonably calculated to protect the health, safety, welfare and property of attendants or of citizens of the township.
(Prior Code, Ch. XXXVI, § 9)  (Ord. 1-2014, passed 6-23-2014)  Penalty, see § 111.99