§ 111.05  REVIEW.
   On receipt by the Clerk, copies of the application shall be forwarded to the Sheriff, the Fire Chief and to other appropriate public officials as the Township Board may identify. Such officers and officials shall review and investigate matters relevant to the application and report their findings and recommendations to the Board within 20 days of receipt.
(Prior Code, Ch. XXXVI, § 5)  (Ord. 1-2014, passed 6-23-2014)
   (A)   Within 30 days after the completed application is filed, the Township Board must:
      (1)   Issue a license;
      (2)   Issue a license subject to specified conditions; or
      (3)   Deny a license.
   (B)   The Township Board may require that adequate security or insurance be provided before a license is issued. Where conditions are imposed as prerequisite to the issuance of a license, or where a license is denied, notice must be mailed to the applicant by certified mail within five days after the Board’s decision. In the case of denial, the reasons for the denial must be stated in the notice.
(Prior Code, Ch. XXXVI, § 6)  (Ord. 1-2014, passed 6-23-2014)
§ 111.07  DENIAL.
   A license may be denied if:
   (A)   The applicant fails to comply with any or all requirements of this chapter, or with any or all conditions imposed by the license, or with any other applicable provision of state or local law; or
   (B)   The applicant has knowingly made a false, misleading or fraudulent statement in the application or in any supporting document.
(Prior Code, Ch. XXXVI, § 7)  (Ord. 1-2014, passed 6-23-2014)
   A license must specify the name and address of the licensee, the kind and location of the assembly, the maximum number of attendants permissible, the duration of the license and any other conditions imposed by the township. A license must be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises of the assembly and cannot be transferred to any other person or location.
(Prior Code, Ch. XXXVI, § 8)  (Ord. 1-2014, passed 6-23-2014)