(A)   The placement and use of a mobile home in a zoning district within the township shall be aesthetically compatible in design and appearance with conventionally on-site constructed single-family dwellings, including, where appropriate, a roof overhang, a front and rear or front and side exterior door, and permanently attached steps or porch areas where an elevation differential requires the same. At a minimum, the wheels and towing mechanism of the mobile home shall be removed, and the underside or chassis of the mobile home shall be completely enclosed and connected to the foundation, and said mobile home shall be placed upon the property in such a way that its appearance shall be compatible with single-family dwellings constructed on-site within said district.
   (B)   A determination of the aesthetic compatibility in design and appearance of a mobile home as provided herein shall be made in the first instance by the Township Zoning Inspector upon review of the plans submitted for a particular dwelling, subject to appeal by an aggrieved party to the to the Zoning Board of Appeals within a period of 15 days from the receipt of notice in said Zoning Inspector’s decision.
(Prior Code, Ch. XV, § 12A.02)  (Ord. 1977-1, passed 10-10-1977; Ord. 1981-2, passed 12-14-1981)