21-9.10 Developments in flood hazard areas
21-9.20 Special districts—Purpose
21-9.20-1 Design controls
21-9.20-2 Major, minor, and exempt projects
21-9.20-3 Time limits
21-9.20-4 Utility lines
21-9.20-5 Design advisory committee
21-9.20-6 Conflicting regulations
21-9.30 Hawaii capital special district
21-9.30-1 Objectives
21-9.30-2 District boundaries
21-9.30-3 Prominent views and historic places
21-9.30-4 Design controls
21-9.30-5 Project classification
21-9.40 Diamond Head special district
21-9.40-1 Objectives
21-9.40-2 District boundaries
21-9.40-3 Prominent public vantage points
21-9.40-4 Design controls
21-9.40-5 One-family and two-family detached dwellings
21-9.40-6 Project classification
21-9.50 Punchbowl special district
21-9.50-1 Objectives
21-9.50-2 Boundaries
21-9.50-3 Prominent vistas and viewing areas
21-9.50-4 Design controls
21-9.50-5 One-family and two-family detached dwellings
21-9.50-6 Project classification
21-9.60 Chinatown special district
21-9.60-1 Overall objectives
21-9.60-2 District boundaries
21-9.60-3 Prominent view corridors
21-9.60-4 Historic and architecturally significant structures
21-9.60-5 Design controls
21-9.60-6 Mauka precinct objectives
21-9.60-7 Mauka precinct development standards
21-9.60-8 Historic core precinct objectives
21-9.60-9 Historic core precinct development standards
21-9.60-10 Makai precinct objectives
21-9.60-11 Makai precinct development standards
21-9.60-12 Street facade guidelines
21-9.60-13 Project classification
21-9.70 King Kamehameha III at Thomas Square/Honolulu Museum of Art special district
21-9.70-1 Objectives
21-9.70-2 District boundaries
21-9.70-3 Significant public views
21-9.70-4 Design controls
21-9.70-5 Project classification
21-9.80 Waikiki special district—Findings
21-9.80-1 Waikiki special district—Objectives
21-9.80-2 District boundaries and land use control system
21-9.80-3 Prominent view corridors and historic properties
21-9.80-4 General requirements and design controls
21-9.80-5 Apartment precinct
21-9.80-6 Resort mixed-use precinct
21-9.80-7 Reserved
21-9.80-8 Public precinct
21-9.80-9 Tables for permitted uses and structures, development standards and project classification
21-9.90 Haleiwa special district
21-9.90-1 Objectives
21-9.90-2 District boundaries
21-9.90-3 Significant public views and resources
21-9.90-4 Design controls
21-9.90-5 Detached dwellings and duplex units
21-9.90-6 Project classification
21-9.100 Transit-oriented development (TOD) special district
21-9.100-1 TOD special district findings
21-9.100-2 Neighborhood TOD plans
21-9.100-3 Processing of proposed ordinances establishing the TOD special district and development regulations applicable thereto
21-9.100-4 TOD development regulations minimum requirements
21-9.100-5 Interim planned development-transit (IPD-T) projects
21-9.100-6 TOD special district objectives
21-9.100-7 Use regulations
21-9.100-8 General requirements and development standards
21-9.100-9 TOD special district permits
21-9.100-10 Planned development-Transit (PD-T) projects
21-9.100-11 TOD special district–project classification
21-9.100-12 TOD special district boundaries