The following buildings and structures, and use of parcels, lots, buildings, and structures, are permitted subject to obtaining a conditional use permit as provided in §§ 152.270 through 152.303:
   (A)   Restaurants and cafeteria facilities for employees;
   (B)   Bus, truck, taxi, and rail terminals;
   (C)   Open air display areas for the sale of manufactured products, such as or similar to garden furniture, earthware, hardware items and nursery stock, or the rental of manufactured products or equipment, small tools, pneumatic tired two- and four-wheeled utility trailers, such as household equipment, pneumatic transit cement mixers, wheelbarrows, rollers and similar products or equipment;
   (D)   Heliports;
   (E)   Gasoline service stations; and
   (F)   Temporary buildings or trailer offices.
(Prior Code, § 759.03) Penalty, see § 10.99