§ 152.130 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this District is to provide for various types of multiple-family residential dwellings and group developments at densities higher than medium, but under specific density controls. The requirements of this District are intended to recognize that various forms of site development are desirable in order to provide a wide range of choices of living environments, but at the same time to regulate the developments in order to prevent congestion of the public streets, reduce hazards to life and property, and provide basic amenities. This District will generally be located in areas of concentrated urban development on or near major streets and will be served by public water and sewage systems and other appropriate urban facilities, particularly fire protection systems. There is no intent to promote through regulations, a district of lower quality or desirability than any other residential district, although a higher density of population and a greater variety of dwelling types are permitted herein. Sites approved by the Planning Commission and the Council, after appropriate petition, public hearing and review, will be rezoned as R3.1 Districts if originally in R1 or OAC Districts, and as R3.2 Districts if in existing R2 Districts. All will be subject to the following regulations.
(Prior Code, § 753.01)