The following buildings and structures, and uses of parcels, lots, buildings and structures are permitted in this District:
   (A)   Single-family dwellings (including manufactured homes) and any use, building, or structure accessory thereto;
   (B)   A sign in accordance with the requirements specified in § 152.342;
   (C)   Essential service structures, except as provided in § 152.283;
   (D)   Customary home occupations such as hair dressing, millinery, dressmaking, bookkeeping and accounting services, real estate and insurance sales, professional offices for not more than one physician, surgeon, dentist, attorney, architect, engineer, or similar professional practitioner, provided that the home occupation shall satisfy the following conditions.
      (1)   The nonresidential use shall be only incidental to the primary residential use of the property.
      (2)   A home occupation located in the principal structure shall utilize no more than 30% of the total floor area of any one story of the structure so used. A home occupation located in an accessory building shall utilize no more than 50% of the total floor area of the building.
      (3)   The home occupation shall involve not more than one employee other than members of the immediate family residing on the premises.
      (4)   All activities shall be conducted indoors.
      (5)   Limited structural alterations or additions, either interior or exterior, may be permitted in order to accommodate a home occupation, but internal or external alterations or construction features or equipment or machinery not customarily located in residential areas shall not be allowed.
      (6)   There shall be no external evidence of the occupation except a small announcement sign as specified herein.
      (7)   No home occupation shall be permitted which is injurious to the general character of the residential district and which creates hazardous or unhealthy conditions.
      (8)   No articles or service shall be sold or offered for sale except as are produced by the home occupation.
      (9)   For the purpose of this provision, principal and accessory farm operations shall not be considered home occupations.
(Prior Code, § 751.02) Penalty, see § 10.99