For purposes of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. Terms used in this subchapter but that are not defined shall have the meaning set forth in Article 2 of the Zoning and Land Development Regulations, Code of Ordinances, and/or the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Trip Generation Handbook, whichever is applicable.
   ACCESS IMPROVEMENTS. Improvements not included in the Multi-Modal Transportation System that are designed to improve safe and adequate ingress from a capital improvement impact project, which may include but are not limited to site related rights-of-way, easements, dedications/deeds, turn lanes, pavement improvements, on-street parking, associated pedestrian and bike facilities, deceleration and acceleration lanes, traffic control devices, signs and markings, drainage and utilities.
   AFFORDABLE HOUSING. A dwelling unit for which monthly rents or monthly mortgage payments, including taxes, insurance and utilities does not exceed 30% of the amount which represents the percentage of the median adjusted gross annual income for households or persons indicated in F.S. § 420.9071(20) or (21) or (30), based upon the median annual adjusted gross income for household within Broward County. The period of affordability shall be for a minimum of 15 years as evidenced by a restrictive covenant or similar document running with the land.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS. Facilities in the City’s Capital Improvement System that include or add capacity to accommodate new capital improvement projects consistent with the Impact Fee Study assumptions and methodology and this subdivision.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IMPACT PROJECT. Land development designed or intended to permit a use of the land that will contain more impact units than the existing land use of land, or that will otherwise change the use of land in a manner that increases the demands upon the City’s Capital Improvement System.
   CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM. The citywide fire-rescue facilities, general government buildings, law enforcement facilities, parks and recreation facilities, and the Multi-Modal Transportation System provided by the City to accommodate additional capital improvement demands generated by new capital improvement construction.
   DIRECTOR. The Director of the City’s Department of Development Services, or designee.
   ENCUMBERED. Monies committed by contract, purchase order or blanket purchase agreement in a manner that obligates the City to expend the encumbered amount upon delivery of goods or completion of services or, if applicable, conveyance of right-of-way by a vendor, supplier, contractor or owner.
   FIRE-RESCUE FACILITIES. Capital improvements provided by the City to accommodate capital improvement projects for the purpose of acquiring or expanding fire-rescue services, capital equipment, and/or facilities under the jurisdiction of the City.
   GENERAL GOVERNMENT FACILITIES. Capital improvements provided by the City to accommodate capital improvement projects for the purpose of acquiring or expanding publicly owned buildings used for governmental purposes, excluding those facilities included as part of a separate impact fee program.
   GROUND LEASABLE AREA (GLA). The total floor area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use, including any basements, mezzanines, or upper floors, expressed in square feet and measured from the centerline of joint partitions and from outside wall faces.
   IMPACT FEE BENEFIT DISTRICT. The geographic area encompassed by the City of Hollywood at the time of the Impact Fee Study.
   IMPACT FEE RATE. An impact fee imposed for a particular capital improvement impact project under the applicable impact fee land use category established in the schedule incorporated in the resolution adopted by the City Commission establishing the City’s Comprehensive Schedule of Fees.
   IMPACT FEE STUDY. The studies adopted by the City Commission pursuant to resolution.
   IMPACT UNIT. An increment of development measured in dwelling units, building area, floor area, retail area, beds, boat berths, or other similar measure identified in the Impact Fee Study.
   LAW ENFORCEMENT FACILITIES. Capital improvements provided by the City to accommodate capital improvement impact projects for the purpose of acquiring or expanding police services, capital equipment and/or facilities under the jurisdiction of the City.
   LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARD. The minimum acceptable conditions of fire-rescue facilities, general government facilities, law enforcement facilities, parks and recreation facilities, and Multi-Modal Transportation System facilities.
   MIXED-USE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT IMPACT PROJECTS. Projects in which more than one impact fee land use category is contemplated, with each category constituting a separate and identifiable enterprise not subordinate to or dependent on other enterprises within the capital improvement project.
   MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. The system of transportation, bike, pedestrian, mobility, or transit improvements located on roadways classified as neighborhood collector or above (excluding neighborhood/local streets, except when local roads connect to other neighborhoods, activity centers, parks, etc.), provided by the City or by agreement with Broward County, which mitigate capital improvement impact projects’ demand for road and multi-modal capital improvements, as calculated in the Impact Fee Study. A map of impact fee eligible roadways will be maintained by the City’s Engineering Department. The MULTI-MODAL TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM includes capacity-adding construction of through lanes, turn lanes, bridges, drainage facilities in conjunction with new multi-modal construction, right-of-way or easement acquisition, conservation area mitigation, compensating storage, transit amenities including bus stations and necessary reconfigurations, corridor studies, environmental assessment, and/or bicycle and pedestrian facilities, which mitigate the impact of new development as calculated in the Impact Fee Study.
   OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS. Capital improvements located outside of the boundaries of a capital improvement impact project, that are required by the City in order to mitigate the demands of developments other than those of a proposed capital improvement project paying impact fees or requesting developer contribution credits. OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS do not include access improvements.
   PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES. The community, neighborhood, and special facility park and recreation facilities provided by the City in order to accommodate capital improvement projects.
   SQUARE FOOTAGE (or SF). The sum of the area of each floor level of a building (expressed in square feet), including cellars, basements, mezzanines, penthouses, corridors, lobbies, stores, and offices that are within the principal outside faces of exterior walls, not including architectural setbacks or projections. Included are all areas that have floor surfaces with clear standing head from six feet six inches minimum, regardless of their use.
(Ord. O-2022-18, passed 9-21-22)