(A)   If a backflow prevention device required by this subchapter is not installed, tested and maintained as specified herein, or if it is found that a backflow prevention device has been removed or bypassed, the city may discontinue water service after a notice has been issued. Notice may be waived in any case where the public water system is directly and immediately threatened.
   (B)   The parties responsible for a violation of this subchapter shall be liable for all expenses, losses or damage, including attorneys’ fees and legal costs, incurred by the city by reason of such violation, including all costs and expenses associated with the interruption and restoration of potable water service for the service address where the violation occurred.
   (C)   Violations of this subchapter may be enforced as provided in F.S. Ch. 162, Part I, and F.S. § 162.21.
(Ord. O-2015-29, passed 12-2-15)