(A)   An appropriate backflow prevention assembly shall be installed by the customer on the property owner’s side of the city’s water meter, on the main service line as close as practical to the property line. The type of backflow prevention assemblies to be installed and the manner of installation shall be as specified in the Manual and in accordance with the applicable federal, state, and local, regulations, and procedures. All costs associated with installation shall be borne by the customer. The Director of Public Utilities, along with the Building Official, shall determine the appropriate protection of the public water supply where not defined herein.
   (B)   The Department of Public Utilities, along with the Building Official, shall develop and implement an appropriate ongoing program to educate and inform customers with respect to the control of cross-connections and the prevention of backflow. Implementation of such programs shall be effected in accordance with the adopted rules, regulations and as detailed in the Manual, and shall include providing written notice to the utility’s customers of the applicable requirements of this chapter for which its customers are responsible. The Director of Public Utilities, along with the Building Official, shall also develop and implement procedures to promote identification of changes in the known or approved uses of service addresses that may constitute a hazard or other violation of this chapter.
   (C)   The installations required pursuant to this section shall be completed within the period of time prescribed by the Manual and as detailed in § 51.212. Each customer who is responsible for completing the installation for his or her property is also responsible for complying with the building permitting application processes as prescribed by the Manual.
   (D)   If any customer fails to install the backflow prevention assemblies commensurate with the degree of hazard anticipated by inspection personnel for that water service connection, and as required hereunder for a water service connection, the utility may interrupt potable water service to the private water system at the service address until such time that evidence of the installation is provided by the customer.
(Ord. O-2015-29, passed 12-2-15)