(A)   For purpose of this section, unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning, LOCAL HOLLYWOOD VENDOR shall mean a business entity that has maintained a permanent place of business with full-time employees within the City limits for a minimum of one year prior to the date of issuance of a bid or proposal solicitation. The permanent place of business must be the primary place of business of the entity and may not be a post office box or a personal residence. The business must actually distribute goods, supplies, materials, equipment or services from the permanent place of business. The business must have a current local business tax receipt from the City and must not be publicly traded.
   (B)   Set-aside bids. Electrical, fencing, janitorial, landscaping, painting, sprinkler/irrigation, welding, automotive, and printing services shall be procured by set-aside when the estimated annual cost does not exceed $100,000. No procurement shall be done as a set-aside unless there are a minimum of three Hollywood vendors that appear to be capable of providing the services to be procured. Award for these services will be determined by Best Value. Vendors will not be eligible to participate in a set-aside program procurement if their response is determined to be non-responsive or non-responsible, if they have been debarred, or if they are not current on their Local Business Tax.
   (C)   Exceptions. No local Hollywood vendor preference will be included in the following solicitations:
      (1)   A cooperative purchase.
      (2)   A purchase with respect to which the use of local Hollywood vendor preference is prohibited by state, local, or federal law.
      (3)   A purchase funded in whole or in part by a governmental entity, where the applicable laws, rules, regulations or policies prohibit the use of local preferences.
      (4)   An exempt purchase under § 38.41(C) from the competitive bid and competitive proposal requirements of the Purchasing Code.
      (5)   Any solicitation exempted by the City Manager and/or the City Commission from the local Hollywood vendor preference.
(Ord. O-94-63, passed 12-7-94; Am. Ord. O-97-43, passed 11-5-97; Am. Ord. O-98-09, passed 5-20-98; Am. Ord. O-2004-28, passed 11-3- 04; Am. Ord. O-2007-07, passed 4-18-07; Am. Ord. O-2012-10, passed 5-2-12; repealed and replaced by Ord. O-2020-07, passed 7-1-20)