The assets of the Firefighter's Relief and Pension Fund, established by ordinance dated November 13, 1939, in accordance with F.S. Ch. 175, and of the Supplemental Hollywood Firefighter's Pension Fund, established by Chapter 30-838, Laws of Florida, 1955, and Chapter 59-1373, Laws of Florida, shall be merged on the effective date of their act into the Hollywood Firefighter's Pension System, created by this subchapter. In addition, effective October 1, 1988, the assets of the Hollywood Firefighter's Supplemental Retirement System, established by Ordinance O-76-93 (§§ 33.095 through 33.107), shall be merged into the assets of the Hollywood Firefighter's Pension System created hereunder.
(Ord. O-2010-30, passed 7-21-10)