§ 157.16 SPACE.
   Requirements for space shall be as follows:
   (A)   Each dwelling and each dwelling unit shall have a minimum gross floor area of not less than 150 square feet for the first occupant and not less than 100 square feet for each additional occupant.
   (B)   Every room in a dwelling, dwelling unit, hotel or rooming house occupied for sleeping purposes shall:
      (1)   Have a gross floor area of not less than 70 square feet; and when occupied by more than one occupant, it shall have a gross floor area of not less than 50 square feet for each occupant. Unless licensed as a dormitory, the maximum number of occupants for each room used for sleeping purposes shall be four.
      (2)   Have a minimum width of eight feet.
   (C)   Gross area shall be calculated on the basis of total habitable room area, and those exclusions appearing in the definition of “habitable room” shall not be considered in calculation of such floor areas.
   (D)   Every habitable room in a dwelling, dwelling unit, hotel and rooming house shall have a ceiling height of not less than seven feet for at least half the floor area of the room. Any portion of a habitable room having a ceiling height of five feet or less shall not be included in calculating the total floor area of such room.
('72 Code, § 15-4(a)A.) (Ord. O-81-78, passed 11-4-81; Am. Ord. O-89-53, passed 9-6-89; Am. Ord. O-90-52, passed 11-7-90)