(A)   Permit requirements. Excavations may be filled if permit is obtained from the city subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Applicant for permit and owner of property shall comply with such terms and conditions as may be required to prevent objectionable odors, to prevent the operation from becoming detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the adjacent neighborhood, and to prevent promiscuous dumping by unauthorized persons.
      (2)   That a top dressing consisting of not less than one foot of clear fill shall be provided so that the property shall be and will remain in a clean, presentable and sanitary condition.
      (3)   That the owner of the property, and the operator, shall post a cash or surety bond, payable to the city, in such amount as may be determined by the Department of Planning and Development Services as necessary to insure compliance with the terms and conditions as may be established for the filling permit.
      (4)   No permit shall be issued for an excavation or other area to be filled with refuse, debris, junk, organic material or garbage unless such use conforms to all applicable regulations of the city and the Broward County Health Department.
('72 Code, § 10-97)
   (B)   Permit fees. The permit and annual renewal fee shall be one-half of one percent of the value of the fill material to be extracted under the permit at the site of excavation, such value to be determined by the Building Department, except that the minimum fee shall be $100.
('72 Code, § 10-97.1)
(‘72 Code, § 10-97.1) (Ord. O-72-19, passed 2-2-72; Am. Ord. O-2011-15, passed 5-4-11)