(A)   Removal. Where existing earth material is unsatisfactory for building foundations, the unsatisfactory material shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory fill material. All materials, work, testing and inspection shall be in accordance with § 151.077, except as otherwise provided in this section.
   (B)   Excavation. All unsatisfactory material shall be removed down to existing earth that is acceptable for building foundations, as determined by the Department of Planning and Development Services. The excavation of the unsatisfactory material shall be such that the side slopes of the cut shall not be steeper than one and one-half to one. The bottom of the excavation, where satisfactory earth material is encountered, shall have a minimum area with side dimensions equal to the side dimensions of the building footing line, plus eight feet, plus three times the height of the finished fill above the bottom of the excavation. See drawing No. F-2-61 adopted by § 151.079.
   (C)   Backfilling to prevent public hazard or nuisance. After the excavation has been completed, the developer, or builder, or contractor, or owner, shall be responsible and obligated to completely backfill the excavation and remove or otherwise satisfactorily dispose of all excess excavated material within a period of 30 days. If such backfilling and cleaning up has not been accomplished within 30 days, the city shall have the right to perform such backfilling and cleaning up and to assess the property for the cost thereof.
   (D)   Excavation and filling below existing ground water table. In the event excavation to satisfactory existing earth is below the existing ground water table, the scarifying and compacting of the existing earth area over which the fill is to be placed shall not be required. All fill material placed below the existing ground water table shall be placed in approximately uniform layers and spread over the entire area to be filled. Density tests of the fill material placed below the ground water shall not be required.
   (E)   Inspections, permits and tests.
      (1)   Applications for permits for excavation and filling shall be accompanied by satisfactory evidence of the depth and nature of the existing material to which the excavation shall be carried and on which the fill material will be placed.
      (2)   In areas where the satisfactory existing material is at a considerable depth, or below the ground water table, or otherwise is not readily accessible to visual inspection on the site, or where the proposed satisfactory existing material is questionable as to quality or depth, the application for permit must be accompanied by standard soil borings performed by a recognized testing laboratory. The soil borings shall be made with a two-inch outside diameter sampler inside a two and one-half-inch inside diameter and three-inch outside diameter casing, and the sampler shall be driven by a 140-pound hammer with a 30-inch free fall.
      (3)   After all excavation of unsatisfactory material has been completed, an inspection of the excavation and the existing earth over which the fill is to be placed shall be made and work approved by the Department of Planning and Development Services before any fill material shall be deposited. When fill material is being placed below the water table, a second inspection shall be required of the fill when it has been brought to the elevation of the water table.
(‘72 Code, § 10-86) (Ord. 1958, passed - - ; Am. Ord. O- 2011-15, passed 5-4-11)