(A)   Each retail establishment furnishing shopping carts to patrons to transport items purchased from the establishment is required to develop and implement a specific plan to retrieve its shopping carts that are found throughout the city. Two or more retail establishments may collaborate and submit to the city a single plan.
   (B)   Plans must be submitted to the city through its Director of Public Works within 60 days of the effective date of this chapter, and must include the following:
      (1)   A method for retrieving all shopping carts belonging to the retail establishment within the city limits;
      (2)   Name, including the name of a contact person, address and phone number of the retail establishment; and
      (3)   Name, including the name of a contact person, address and phone number of the company implementing the retrieval plan, if other than the retail establishment.
   (C)   The retail establishment may request permission from the city’s Code Compliance Division to employ at least two of the following methods in lieu of the retrieval plan:
      (1)   A physical barrier or barriers may be installed, such as bollards, which restrict shopping carts to the main or primary entryway of the business;
      (2)   Shopping carts may be equipped with protruding devices, arms or similar devices, which operate to prohibit the cart from being removed from the interior of the business establishment;
      (3)   A system may be used, which may be mechanical by nature, requiring a monetary deposit that is of a reasonable amount such that it does not deter usage of the cart but encourages return of the cart and allows for a refund of the deposit; or
      (4)   A shopping cart wheel-locking system may be used in conjunction with an electronic barrier along the perimeter of the business establishment premises that causes the shopping cart wheels to lock when the cart approaches or crosses the barrier location by activating the electronic barrier.
(Ord. O-2022-10, passed 5-4-22)