§ 128.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to promote public health, safety, welfare and convenience through the regulation of the placement, type, appearance, servicing and insuring of Pay Telephones on Public Property and in the Public Rights-of-Way so as to:
   (A)   Provide the public with adequate, functional, well-maintained and reliable Pay Telephones in convenient locations throughout the city, while eliminating use of Pay Telephones for illegal purposes;
   (B)   Provide for safety of pedestrians, drivers and users and for user convenience by regulating the location, relocation, replacement and removal of Pay Telephones which: obstruct drivers' line of sight; are a visual blight; take up excessive space in or on Public Property and the Public Rights-of-Way; unreasonably detract from the aesthetics of the adjoining neighborhood, adjacent landscaping or other improvements; are in disrepair, nonfunctional or have been Abandoned by their owners; or unreasonably interfere with the flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic;
   (C)   Provide for the safety of the public and property during severe windstorm conditions;
   (D)   Reduce unnecessary exposure of the public to personal injury, property damage or unlawful activities;
   (E)   Standardize the appearance and condition of Pay Telephones throughout the city;
   (F)   Provide the city with compensation for occupancy and use of its Public Property and Rights-of-Way; and
   (G)   Provide the city with compensation for the cost of administration required by this chapter.
(Ord. O-96-48, passed 11-6-96; Am. Ord. 0-99-37, passed 11-3-99)