Nonconforming Sidewalk Cafés. Within 60 days after the effective date of this section, and at any time thereafter, any Sidewalk Café in violation of any provision of Chapter 124 shall be subject to the procedures, remedy and due process under Chapter 36 of the city’s Code of Ordinances, entitled Code Enforcement, issuance of a Notice to Appear, citation, or removal of the Sidewalk Café furniture (i.e. chairs, tables, umbrellas) by the city. In the event that the city removes a nonconforming Sidewalk Café, the permittee shall be responsible for paying the city its actual costs associated with the removal and storage of the Sidewalk Café furniture prior to obtaining possession. Should the permittee not take possession of the Sidewalk Café furniture within 90 days, the city shall consider the Sidewalk Café furniture surplus material and dispose of it appropriately.
(Ord. O-2001-11, passed 3-21-01)