§ 122.28 ISSUANCE.
   (A)   Within ten days of the filing of a completed permit application, the Director of Licensing shall issue a charitable solicitation permit unless he finds one or more of the following to exist:
      (1)   That one or more of the statements in the application are incorrect, provided the applicant has been given the opportunity to correct or amend its application;
      (2)   That the applicant has refused to provide the information requested in the application; or
      (3)   That the applicant or any agent or representative of the applicant who will participate under the permit has been convicted of a crime involving fraud or moral turpitude within the past two years.
('72 Code, § 16-19)
   (B)   (1)   Permits issued pursuant to this subchapter shall state the name and address of the applicant, the number of the permit, the date issued, the dates within which the applicant may solicit, and a list of the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the person or persons who will be responsible for or supervise the solicitation.
      (2)   Permits shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of issuance. Should additional time be needed for the proposed solicitation, the applicant may apply for a renewal permit upon the form provided for initial application. Each renewal application shall be processed by the Director of Licensing in the same manner as the initial application and shall be valid for an additional 90 days.
      (3)   It shall be the duty of the applicant to keep all information in the application up-to-date and complete. Should the need arise to amend the application, the applicant shall submit the information on the form provided for initial application. Each amended application shall be processed by the Director of Licensing in the same manner as the initial application.
      (4)   No certificate issued pursuant to this subchapter shall be transferable or assignable.
('72 Code, § 16-23)
(Ord. O-81-72, passed 10-21-81)