Each of the following acts of commission or omission of a secondhand dealer or by any of his/her employees is hereby declared to be unlawful and shall subject the person convicted thereof by a court of competent jurisdiction to the penalties prescribed by § 10.99:
   (A)   Carrying on the business of a secondhand dealer without a valid local business tax receipt or from any place other than the place designated in the local business tax receipt therefor.
   (B)   Purchasing, receiving, trading, selling or otherwise disposing of any article covered by this chapter, between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. the following morning.
   (C)   Purchasing or otherwise acquiring any article covered by this chapter where the holder of the local business tax receipt knows or reasonably should know that the person the article was acquired from is under the age of 18 years or a person using a name other than his/her own.
   (D)   Refusing, denying, retarding or interfering with the lawful inspection of the premises by a police officer of the city at any time.
   (E)   Failing or neglecting to retain on the premises and have available for inspection by a police officer of the city an article covered by this chapter for a period of at least 15 days from and after the date and time that the reports required by § 121.06(A) have been received in the City Police Department, said articles to be ticketed with a number identical to the number on the ticket exchanged for the item referred to above; provided that the provisions of this division shall not be applicable when the person known by the secondhand dealer to be the true owner of any article desires to redeem, repurchase or recover such article at any time within such 15-day period. The secondhand dealer shall keep a record of the proof of ownership presented by the true owners.
   (F)   Failing or neglecting to comply with any applicable provision of this chapter.
('72 Code, § 19-134) (Ord. O-81-17, passed 3-4-81; Am. Ord. O-81-33, passed 5-20-81; Am. Ord. O-81-96, passed 12-61-81; Am. Ord. O-2007-07, passed 4-18-07) Penalty, see § 10.99